Kia Sedona: Door Lock - Smart key function - Smart key - Features of your vehicle - Kia Sedona YP Owners ManualKia Sedona: Door Lock

Third generation YP (2014-2025) / Kia Sedona YP Owners Manual / Features of your vehicle / Smart key / Smart key function / Door Lock

Type A

Type B

Using the door handle button

1. Carry the smart key.

2. Close all doors, engine hood and tailgate.

3. Press the button of the outside door handle.

4. The hazard warning lights will blink and the chime will sound once.

5. Make sure that doors are locked by pulling the outside door handle.


Using the button on the smart key

1 Close all doors, engine hood and tailgate.

2. Press the lock button(1).

3. The hazard warning lights will blink and the chime will sound once.

4. Make sure that doors are locked by pulling the outside door handle.

Smart key function
To remove the mechanical key, press and hold the release button(1) and remove the mechanical key (2). To reinstall the mechanical key, put the key into the hole and push it until a click sound ...

Using the door handle button 1. Carry the smart key. 2. Press the button of the driver's outside door handle. 3. The driver ...

Other Information:

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