The high-pressure cooling system has a reservoir filled with year round antifreeze coolant. The reservoir is filled at the factory.
Check the antifreeze protection and coolant level at least once a year, at the beginning of the winter season, and before traveling to a colder climate.
Surge Tank Repair procedures
Removal and Installation
Remove the engine cover.
(Refer to Engine and Transaxle Assembly - "Engine Cover")
Remove the air duct.
(Refer to Intake And Exhaust System - "Air Cleaner")
Transaxle Control Module (TCM) Schematic Diagrams
TCM Connector
TCM terminal function
Connector [A]
PinDescription10CAN (High)27Ignition switch29Sports mode up switch35CAN (Low)44Inhibitor switch signal ''S1''45Inhibitor switch signal ''S2''4 ...