Whenever the vehicle battery is disconnected or discharged, you must reset your sunroof system as follows:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
2. Close the sunshade and sunroof completely if opened.
3. Release the sunroof control lever.
4. Push the sunroof control lever forward in the direction of close (about 10~15 seconds) until the sunroof moves a little. Then, release the lever.
5. Push the sunroof control lever forward in the direction of close, until the sunroof operates as follows again:
The sunroof glass slide open → The sunroof glass slide close
Then, release the lever.
When this is complete, the sunroof system has been reset.
If you do not reset the sunroof, it may not work properly.
Limp home (override) procedure
When you turn the ignition switch to the ON position, if the immobilizer indicator
() goes off after blinking 5 times, your
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Brake Lines, Hoses and Connections Repair procedures
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Replace any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately. ...