Cold Cranking Ampere (CCA): A rating used in the battery
industry to define a battery''s ability to start an engine in cold
The maximum current that a fully charged battery can deliver
at -18 °C (-0.4 °F) for 30 seconds while maintaining a voltage of at
least 7.2 volts for a 12-volt battery.
The higher the CCA rating, the greater the starting power of the battery.
RESERVE CAPACITY (RC): A battery industry rating that defines
the battery''s ability to power a vehicle with an inoperative
alternator or fan belt.
The rating is the number of minutes a battery at 26.7 °C(80
°F) can be discharged at 25 amps and maintain a voltage of 10.5 volts
for a 12 volt battery.
The higher the reserve rating, the longer your vehicle can operate should your alternator or fan belt fail.
Special Service Tools
Tool Name / NumberIllustrationDescription09964-C1100SCC reflectorReflector to align the SCC radar09964-C1200Vertical / horizontal laserLaser to detect the center of the vehi ...
Air bag inflation conditions
Front air bags
Front air bags are designed to inflate in a frontal collision depending on the
intensity, speed or angles of impact of the front collision.
Side and/or curtain air bags
Side ...