Kia Sedona: Components and Components Location - Windshield Deicer - Body Electrical System - Kia Sedona YP Service ManualKia Sedona: Components and Components Location

Third generation YP (2014-2025) / Kia Sedona YP Service Manual / Body Electrical System / Windshield Deicer / Components and Components Location

Component Location

1. Windshield deicer relay (Built-in engine room relay box)
2. Windshield deicer switch (DATC type)
3. Windshield deicer switch (Manual type)
4. Windshield deicer
5. Deicer connector

Windshield Deicer

Description and Operation
Description Windshield deicer system prevents windshield wiper from freezing in the winter season. It consists of deicer in the lower part of windshield, switch and relay. Body control module r ...

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