Kia Sedona: Elapsed Time (3) - Trip A/B - Trip computer - Features of your vehicle - Kia Sedona YP Owners ManualKia Sedona: Elapsed Time (3)

Third generation YP (2014-2024) / Kia Sedona YP Owners Manual / Features of your vehicle / Trip computer / Trip A/B / Elapsed Time (3)

Average Vehicle Speed (2)

Fuel Economy
Type A Type B, C ...

Other Information:

Battery replacement
When replacement is necessary, use the following procedure. 1. Insert a slim tool into the slot and gently try open the battery cover. 2. Replace the batteries with new rechargeable batteries (AAA ...

Outside Rear View Mirror Repair procedures
Replacement     • When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape, and apply protective tape around the related parts, to prevent damage. ...


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