Kia Sedona: Sunroof Deflector Repair procedures - Sunroof - Body (Interior and Exterior) - Kia Sedona YP Service ManualKia Sedona: Sunroof Deflector Repair procedures

Third generation YP (2014-2025) / Kia Sedona YP Service Manual / Body (Interior and Exterior) / Sunroof / Sunroof Deflector Repair procedures

Completely open the sunroof glass (A) by pressing the sunroof switch.
Loosen the sunroof deflector mounting screws.

Remove the sunroof deflector (A).

Install in the reverse order of removal.
Sunroof Glass Repair procedures
Replacement [Front] 1. Completely open the sunroof glass (A) by pressing the sunroof switch. 2. Remove the sunroof deflector. (Refer to sunroof - "Sunroof Deflector ") 3. Loosen the sc ...

Sunroof Assembly Repair procedures
Replacement     Put on glove to protect your hands.     Take care not to scratch the interior trims and other parts. 1. Remove the roof t ...

Other Information:

Front Alignment Repair procedures
Front wheel alignment     When using a commercially available computerized wheel alignment equipment to inspect the front wheel alignment, always position the vehicle o ...

Trip A/B
Type A Type B, C ...


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